Thursday, August 22, 2013

Monthly check-up

Thomas had his monthly check up today and tipped the scale at 11 lbs 9 oz and measured 22 inches. That puts him at 95th percentile for weight and 90th percentile for height. The doctor said he is thriving, strong and very alert & active. If only she could see him at 3:30 am to really see how active he can be! :)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Neighborhood t-ball game

Our neighborhood is full of kids and we were able to get 5 kids between 2 1/2 and 4 1/2 for a little game of t-ball yesterday. The girls were very focused on their batting and running the bases while the boys only wanted to tag players out. In the end, Popsicles and the slip n' slide won out. 
Lining up the batters

Avery on third ready to run home after Maya bats

And Popsicles :)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Thomas is 1 month old today

He is a great eater and is growing like a weed with his little thighs filling in nicely. He is still a bit nocturnal, but slowly realizing it is much more fun to be awake during the day. He is loved to pieces by his big sister, who is a great help with diapers, burp cloths and singing to him when he is crying. 

And then there were four

What an amazing year we have had. We built our new home in Bellevue, Avery turned three and we welcomed our sweet baby boy, Thomas, at the end of July. Yes, we have been busy.